FCWC 2024

Masking Guidelines
The FCWC Executive Leadership Team, in conjunction with the FCWC Executive Nurse, have reviewed the recently updated CDC/NYS/DOH guidelines lifting the COVID-19 restrictions and have revised our masking guidelines accordingly.

Our first goal is to honor those who we are serving.  In general, the wearing of masks will be optional. Exceptions to this guideline include:

  • When a homeowner requests masks be worn in their home.

Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette

Regular handwashing with soap and water throughout Work Camp will be encouraged.  Opportunities will be provided throughout the day.

  • If soap and water are not readily available, hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol will be provided.

Tissues will be available in all areas for campers and adults to be used as needed.

This fact sheet is based on current guidelines. If state or CDC guidelines change, then this fact sheet may be modified.