Breakfast and dinner will be provided each day at Home Base.  We don’t typically share a menu ahead of Work Camp, but it is the type of camp food you would expect to have – like french toast and bacon, cereal and fruit with milk and orange juice in the mornings; spaghetti, bread and salad with milk and lemonade in the evening along with a dessert.  All food is prepared onsite and served in shifts.  When you register on the first day you’ll be told which shift you will eat with.

Lunches will be provided out on site by one of the participating local area churches.  These meals can vary greatly from ordered pizza to homemade meals.  Sometimes, homeowners like to prepare a meal for their Worksite Team as a way of expressing their thankfulness.

During the application process, students can indicate if they have any food allergies.  Alternative menus are available for students needing gluten free or vegetarian options.  If food allergies are severe, some parents choose to bring food for their student to be safe.